Review of Mail Arrangements of Project Arrow Offices.
Review of Notice of Hours of Business, Due mail and sorting list, letter box statement, MDW, Lines and stages and ensuring their availability in arrow offices.
Ensuring proper maintenance of bag opening register, error book, complaints and suggestion book in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring Zero tolerance of missent articles.
Review of postmen beats and ensuring availability of beat list and root maps in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring availability of GDS panel in all offices.
Ensuring computerization of mails and delivery branches – ensuring generation of delivery slips, mail lists etc through computer.
Ensuring timely receipt and dispatch of mail in all Arrow offices.
Reducing percentage of undelivered mail to the dearest minimum.
Ensuring usage of intimation slips in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring utilization of authorization letters in all Offices for immediate delivery of all kinds’ mail.
Submission of approved copies of NHB to Civil Wing and ensuring erecting of NHB in all Arrow Offices.
Availability of changeable plates for letter boxes where ever available.
Ensuring timely clearance of letter boxes in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring preliminary sorting as directed by the Directorate.
Ensuring availability of all kinds records relating to mails branch in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring availability of adequate parking space in all Offices.
Ensuring maintenance of outside premises of Postoffices.
Internal and external painting.
Provision of RAMP for disabled entry.
Provision of Signage post in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring availability of clear counter signage’s in all Arrow offices .
Ensuring availability of writing ledge in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of customer benches in all offices.
Ensuring availability of drinking water facility to the customers in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of Public telephone in all offices.
Ensuring availability of steel dustbins in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring indication of postmaster available hours in all Offices.
Reviewing citizen Charter in all Offices and Submission of Citizen charter of all Offices to civil wing for preparation of Citizen charter board.
Ensuring displaying of citizen charter board in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring availability of information on public grievance mechanism.
Ensuring availability of stationery in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring display of sample feed up forms for customer guidance in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring availability of enquiry counter in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring availability of special counters for senior citizens in all Arrow Offices.
Codefying duties of Counter Staff/APM/PM in all Arrow Offices.
Ensuring availability of Checklist for counter staff for all transactions.
Ensuring usage of web based RTI system in all offices.
Ensuring proper maintenance of customer feed back forms and submission of reports to higher end in all offices.
Ensuring availability of customer feed back forms in all offices.
Ensuring availability of MO/eMO/iMO stationery in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring Implementation of proper Q management system and submission of Q management report to CO.
Rationalization of counters.
Ensuring Provision of Extra counter for seasonal traffic
Sensitizing postmaster to Q management.
Ensuring any service any counter facility.
Ensuring availability of Weighing scales in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of sufficient stationery with counter staff.
Ensuring training to staff in project arrow ,citizen charter, core areas, interpersonal skills.
Ensuring computer training and training in departmental software to all departmental staff of Arrow offices.
Ensuring computer training to all the postmen of Arrow office.
Ensuring availability fake note detecting machine in all offices.
Ensuring availability of cash counting machine in all offices.
Ensuring specified timing of savings agents do not clash with busy counter hours.
Ensuring supply of counter chairs to all arrow offices.
Ensuring functioning of CCC in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring re painting of letter boxes in all Arrow Offices.
Supply of new uniform to all eligible staff.
Supply of new postmen bags to all the postmen.
Supply of staff jackets to eligible staff.
Ensuring booking/enquiry of various types of MOs through MPCM counters.
Ensuring generation of HVMO list through system.
Ensuring optimal utilization of postmen module for processing various types of MOs.
Reviewing authorized balances of the office and ensuring availability of same in record.
Reviewing line limits of the office and ensuring availability of the same in record.
Ensuring usage of intimation slip in all Arrow offices incase payees are not found.
Ensuring writing of proper and appropriate remarks by the postmen in the delivery slips against undelivered money orders.
Ensuring entering of unpaid MO data in Postmen Module by the MO paid PA
Ensuring proper checking by the PRIs/Inspectors on undelivered MOs
Ensuring maintenance and analyzing delivery performance of Postmen in all arrow offices.
Provision of iMO facility in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of iMO stationery in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of iMO in all offices.
Ensuring free availability of necessary SB forms to public.
Ensuring availability of investment chart in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring availability of sample filled up SB forms in notice boards.
Ensuring availability of Sufficient computerized passbooks.
Ensuing authorization to all Arrow Offices to issue cheques.
Ensuring availability of heavy duty safe in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring usage of automatic transfer facility in RD through SB.
Ensuring on the day disposal of deceased claim cases and zero tolerance for pending claim cases.
Ensuring on the day disposal of transfer of accounts.
Ensuring arresting leakage.
Ensuring proper electrical wiring in all offices.
Ensuring proper earthing in all Arrow offices.
Provision of separate toilets for both gents and ladies
Ensuring proper water supply in all offices.
Ensuring timely completion of identified civil and electrical works.
Ensuring erecting of way boards, welcome boards etc.
Ensuring availability of cupboards in all Arrow offices.
Availability of Broadband in all Offices.
Ensuring availability of latest version of Sanchay post in all Arrow offices.
Ensuring up to date SB data and Signature Scanning for all types of SB accounts and Certificates(including silent accounts, NREGS accounts).
Ensuring availability of latest negative list in sanchay software.
Ensuring operationalisation of SBCO module of sanchay software in all HOs (in all SBCOs).
Ensuring proper backup policy & regular backups in external hard discs.
Ensuring proper functioning of Pass book printers.
Supply of Sufficient hardware to all Arrow offices and their timely installation.
Ensuring installation of data extraction tool in all Arrow offices
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